We are pleased to publish the video of the Masterclass lectured by Dr. Robert Thompson within the framework of the Area on Security and Defense and the Master’s Degree in Military History of INISEG, the International Institute for Studies on Global Security, and FUINMA, the International University Foundation of Madrid.
Dr. Thompson’s presentation addresses the genesis of the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War. The United States was compelled, since the year 1965, to actively fight alongside the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) to prevent North Vietnam, which used its own regular troops as well as Viet Cong guerrillas, from invading Washington’s ally in the former French Indochina.
Dr. Robert Thompson is a historian and researcher on the Vietnam War. He holds a B.A. from Virginia Weslian College, an M.A. in History too from Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada, and a Ph.D in US History from University of Southern Mississippi.
He is the author of «Clear, Hold, and Destroy: Pacification in Phú Yên and the American War in Vietnam». Norman: Oklahoma University Press, 2021. He has also written several book chapters: “The Vietnam War.” In Daily Life of U.S. Soldiers: From the American Revolution to the Afghanistan War. Volume 3; and “Arriving in Vietnam,” “World of Hurt,” and “Freedom Bird.” In Andrew Wuyest. Vietnam: A View From the Front Lines.
Dr. Thompson has written and reviewed many scientific articles. He has also written many entries for the Encyclopedia of War and the Encyclopedia of the 1960s. His current position, since 2018, is that of Historian in the Films Team of the Army University Press, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Blog GRIP will keep publishing a selection of Masterclasses and lectures on military history and military conflicts, with a special emphasis, albeit not exclusive, on the Vietnam War (the Second Indochina War), direct consequence and legacy of the First Indochina War, a conflict taught by Professor Juanjo Alarcón in the Master’s Degree in Contemporary Military Conflicts, whose video presentation is also available on Blog Grip. Incidentally, Prof. Juanjo Alarcón is the host of these lectures.
We really hope that this series of selected lectures may spark your interest in the topics presented in each one of them. And since they are all part of the Area on Security and Defense and the Master’s Degree in Military History of INISEG, we provide you with the links to INISEG’s academic offer directly related to the lectures we publish: