We are pleased to publish the video of the Masterclass lectured by Professor Marc Laurenceau of the D-Day Overlord website. A new lecture hold within the framework of the Area on Security and Defense and the Master’s Degree in Military History of INISEG, your International Institute for Studies on Global Security, and FUINMA, the International University Foundation of Madrid.
In this new Masterclass on the Battle of Normandy, our distinguished lecturer, Prof. Marc Laurenceau, explains the main points of interest of the German army during the battle that ensued the historic Allied amphibious landing on Normandy beaches, one of the most famous war episodes of all time. Our speaker also focuses on the management of the mental and physical attrition of German soldiers and officers during that battle.
Professor Marc Laurenceau is a career military man (Major) and a military historian. Trained in France and at various military academies around the world (USA, Japan, Singapore), he has developed a precise knowledge of history and international relations. He has interviewed dozens of veterans of the Battle of Normandy, visiting its battlefields every year.
Author of several books on the subject, he has focused on the study of that historic period and has direct access to archives, notably in France and the United States. He is also the creator of the D-Day Overlord website, the first French-language site on the Battle of Normandy.
Blog GRIP will keep publishing a selection of Masterclasses and lectures on military history and armed conflicts, with a special emphasis, albeit not exclusive (as this lecture shows), on the Vietnam War, direct consequence and legacy of the First Indochina War, a conflict taught by Professor Juanjo Alarcón in the Master’s Degree in Contemporary Military Conflicts, whose video presentation is also available on Blog Grip. Incidentally, Prof. Juanjo Alarcón is the host of these lectures.
We really hope that this series of selected lectures may spark your interest in the topics presented in each one of them. And since they are all part of the Area on Security and Defense and the Master’s Degree in Military History of INISEG, we provide you with the links to INISEG’s academic offer directly related to the lectures we publish: